【芬兰汉肯经济学院招生信息】Application period for Master's Programme in IP Law atHanken still open
发布时间: 2016-10-21
2035 次浏览
Dear Colleague,
The application period for our Master’s Degree Programme in Intellectual Property Law (MSc) at Hanken School of Economics is still open!
Hanken School of Economics offers a two-year, tuition-free MSc programme in Intellectual Property Law. The Programme combines legal and business studies, ensuring that you get a solid expertise in both areas.
The programme flyer is available electronically and the programme web page contains a detailed programme overview, student profiles and the curriculum. For full information on admissions requirements and process please visit our admissions page.
We sincerely hope that you can circulate this information about the programme amongst students, staff members, and your broader network. Please, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or want additional information on the programme.
Best wishes,
Nari Lee and Niklas Bruun
Dept of Accounting and Commercial Law,
HANKEN School of Economics, POB 479, 00101Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 403521769