QIAO Yongzhong
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Qiao Yongzhong, associate professor, doctor of management; selected national experts storehouse of intellectual property, the National IPR leading talent; selected SIPO "millions of IPR Talents" 100 high-level personnel. In journals or international conference "Management World", "scientific management", "scientific research" and published in English and more than 60 papers, including papers by EI, ISTP, Xinhua Digest, reprinted, CSSCI included, retrieval or excerpts, published monographs (co) or the materials 6; won the provincial prize two, hosted by the national Natural Science Foundation of China and other projects above the provincial level 4, the main research national Social Science major projects, since the State Section key projects above provincial and ministerial projects 8. Academic direction: intellectual property management.

List of major research results are as follows.
Qiao Yongzhong, associate professor, doctor of management; selected national experts storehouse of intellectual property, the National IPR leading talent; selected SIPO "millions of IPR Talents" 100 high-level personnel. In journals or international conference "Management World", "scientific management", "scientific research" and published in English and more than 60 papers, including papers by EI, ISTP, Xinhua Digest, reprinted, CSSCI included, retrieval or excerpts, published monographs (co) or the materials 6; won the provincial prize two, hosted by the national Natural Science Foundation of China and other projects above the provincial level 4, the main research national Social Science major projects, since the State Section key projects above provincial and ministerial projects 8. Academic direction: intellectual property management.

List of major research results are as follows.
Research Awards and Honorary Titles

1. December 2014 selected national intellectual property leading talent, the State Intellectual Property expert database experts;

2. June 2009 elected to the National Intellectual Property Office "millions of IPR Talents" 100 high-level personnel;

3. To July 2011 monograph "Intellectual Property Management Issues Research and Application" Chongqing Municipal Outstanding Achievement Award of the seventh and Social Sciences (independently);

4. The October 2009 report, "An Empirical Study on Patent Quality Maintenance Time" won the Sixth National Intellectual Property (Patents) outstanding Investigation Report and excellent soft science prize (sponsored by the State Intellectual Property Office) (a signature one);

5. The June 2009 obtained the third Huazhong University of Science Graduate "Ten Outstanding Academic" title;

6. The 2007-2008 school year Graduate Huazhong University of Science and Technology Achievement Award.

Foreign language papers published in major international journals or conferences

1.      Qiao Yongzhong, Zhu Xuezhong. Patent Protection of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Impact on the Related Industries in China. Journal of International Biotechnology Law, 2009.10

2.      Qiao Yongzhong, Liu Siwen. Research on the Technical Fields Distribution of Patents Licensing of Chinese Firms in the Next-Generation Information Technology Industry, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, (530-531):1142-1145. EI收录.

3.      Qiao Yongzhong, Liu Siwen. Research on the Patent Licensing of the New Generation Information Technology Industry in China. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, (536-537): 1733-1736. EI收录.

4.      Qiao Yongzhong, Liang Qi. Research on the Distribution of Patented Technologies of the Energy-saving Industry in China, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, (1008-1009):1399-1404. EI收录.

5.      Qiao Yongzhong, Liang Qi. Research on the Granted Patent Distribution of the Energy-saving and Environmental Protection Industry in China. The thirteenth Wuhan international Conference on E-Business- Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence. 2014, 221-228. ISTP收录.

6.      Yongzhong Qiao and Yan Zhang. Empirical Research on the Maintenance Time of Granted Patents in the Performing Operations and Transporting Technological Field in Six Countries. The 2015 2nd International Conference on Sensors, Instrument and Information Technology.

7.      Yongzhong Qiao and Wanlin Tan. Comparative Study of the Renewal Information of Granted Patents in the Physics Technological Field in China, France and Germany. The 2015 3rd International Conference on Material, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

8.      Yongzhong Qiao, Jun Shen. The Cross-national Comparative Study of the Maintenance Time of Granted Patents in the Technical Field of Fixed Constructions in Different Countries. the 2015 4th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering.

9.      Yongzhong Qiao, Yan Sun. Empirical Research of the Maintenance Time of Foreign Patents without the Foreign Priority Granted by USA, Korea, Japan and China. The 2015 3rd International Conference on Material, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

10.  Yongzhong Qiao, Tiantian Zhang. Research on the Granted Patent Distributions of Significance Firms in the New Energy Automobile Industry in China. 2014 Global Conference on Environmental Engineering (GCEE2014).

11.  Qiao Yongzhong. Research on the Relation of the Inventiveness Standard in the Patent law and R&D Activitie.2008 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. EI/ISTP收录: 090111835866. 2008.10

12.  Qiao Yongzhong. The analysis to influencing factors on the technological innovation based on the patent maintenance time.2008 International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling. EI/ISTP收录: 10453480. 2008.12

13.  Qiao Yongzhong. Comparative study of the innovation ability based on the maintenance status of domestic and foreign patents.2008 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering. EI/ISTP收录: 10451484. 2008.12

14.  Qiao Yongzhong. Study on the Ownership of Inventions-creations by the Government-funded in China. Proceedings of 2008International Conference on Public Administration. ISSHP收录,ISBN: 978-7-81114-983-8. ISI Document Delivery No.: BIk15. 2008.9

15.  Qiao Yongzhong. Research on Technological Innovation Capability Based on Maintenance Time of Patent. The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business. ISTP/ISSHP收录,ISBN:978-0-9800510-0-1, ISI Document Delivery No.: BIN83. 2008

the Main  Papers in Chinese
1. Zhu Xuezhong, Qiao Yongzhong, etc: "Based on the time of maintaining the quality of patents invention Empirical Study", "Management World" in 2009, the first one.
2. Qiao Yongzhong: "Patent duration Factors Affecting" "Science Research Management" 2011 7; "Xinhua Digest" 2011 19 argument excerpts.
3. Qiao Yongzhong, Zhu Xuezhong et al: "State-funded research inventions patents and attribution of" scientific research, in 2008 the first six. People copies "technological innovation and management" 2009 the fourth period to reprint.
4. Qiao Yongzhong: An Empirical Study of different types of innovation and invention patents to maintain the body of scientific research, in 2011 .
5. according to Zhang, Qiao Yongzhong: multinational study of technology spillover of Chinese enterprises lag effect of multiple scientific studies, the first two in 2011.

6. Qiao Yongzhong: Study patent maintenance fee mechanism scientific research, 2011 10.
7. Wen Qiao Yongzhong home in spring: A Comparative Study patents to maintain status SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF, 2009 6.
8. wenjiashi spring, Qiao Yongzhong, Zhu Xuezhong: Defense Strategy of Patent Infringement Litigation Science of Science and Management, 2008 7.
9. Qiao Yongzhong: College of patent work problems and countermeasures on China Higher Education, 2009 6.
10. Qiao Yongzhong: An Empirical Study of different technologies in the field of maintaining the patent Library and Information Service, 2011 4.
11. Qiao Yongzhong: maintain perspective based on patent information patent time factors analysis Library and Information Service, 2009 7.
12. Qiao Yongzhong, Zhang Yan: An Empirical Study of time in different countries authorized patents in the field of chemical metallurgy maintain Intelligence Magazine, 2015 (6).

13. Qiao Yongzhong: time to study the different countries authorized domestic and foreign patents in the field of electrical technology to maintain and Information Science, 2015 Section 8.
14. Qiao Yongzhong, Wan Mary: My home state-funded research projects inventions Policy Performance Technology Progress and Policy, 2009 7. People copies "technological innovation and management" 2009 the ninth period to reprint.
15. Qiao Yongzhong, Yaoqing Chen: An Empirical Study of the different nature of patent authorized Technical Field Layout Technology Progress and Policy, (hired).
16. Qiao Yongzhong: Public Policy Evaluation Review Basic Theory frontier, 2008 16.
17. Qiao Yongzhong: America, Europe and China 's annual fee to maintain the patent system comparative analysis of electronic intellectual property rights in 2011, Nos. 1-2.
18. Wan Xiaoli, Qiao Yongzhong: Patent Application novelty grace period rule invoked Situation and use of electronic intellectual property strategy, in 2008 the first five.
19. Qiao Yongzhong, wenjiashi Spring: Research on basic issues of national IP strategies Performance Evaluation of Science and Technology Management Research, 2009 6.
20. Qiao Yongzhong, Wan Li Peng: an empirical study of the subject patent pledge characterized Technology Management Research, 2012

21. Qiao Yongzhong, Yang Yu Meng: An Empirical Study of China settled a patent infringement dispute administrative enforcement mode Technology Management Research, 2014 11.
22. Qiao Yongzhong, Ge Yalan: The Role of Government in the implementation of national IP strategies in exploration, 2008 5.
23. Qiao Yongzhong: An Empirical Study of Chinese patent information in different technological fields TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES REVIEW, 2012 2.
24. Qiao Yongzhong, Zhu Xuezhong: Financial Funds formed intellectual property and technology law research study, in 2008 the first six.
25. Zhu Xuezhong, Qiao Yongzhong, etc: The main advantage of the home country and to promote the application of financial support for research projects completed inventions "Patent Law Implementing Rules" special report, Intellectual Property Publishing House, June 2008.

Monographs and Textbooks
1. Qiao Yongzhong: Intellectual Property Management and Application Problems of Intellectual Property Press, August 2009 edition.
2. Qiao Yongzhong: An Empirical Study on Patent System and Maintain Intellectual Property Press, August 2011 edition.
3. Qiao Yongzhong: Thematic Policy Studies Intellectual Property Management Intellectual Property Publishing House, to be published in December 2015
4. Qiao Yongzhong: the patent system to promote the development of strategic emerging industries Intellectual Property Press, to be published in December 2015
5. Zhu Xuezhong, Qiao Yongzhong: Study on patent ownership of financial support inventions Law Press, October 2009 edition.
6. Zhu Xuezhong editor, deputy editor Qiao Yongzh