GUO Yimei
Source: | Author:proe70355 | Published time: 2016-09-02 | 1977 Views | Share:
  1.“Technology Transfer and Patent Licensing - An Experience from American Companies' Royalty Collection Actions against Taiwanese Information Industry”(英文)(《技术移转与专利授权-从美商向台湾资讯业者追索权利金行动之经验谈起》),美国芝加哥“美中联合学术年会文献” ,1995年6月24日。
  2“The Impact of Intellectual Property Right Protection on the Development of Taiwanese Information Industry” (英文) (《论智慧财产权保护对台湾资讯工业发展之影响》),加拿大渥太华“一九九六年北美华人学术研讨会” 1996年6月29日。
  3.“The Challenge of Multimedia to Taiwanese Copyright Law - New Legal Dilemmas”(英文)(《多媒体对台湾著作权法之挑战-一个新的法律困境》,美国纽约“第廿一届美东华人学术联谊会年会”, 1996年9月15日。
  4.“How Would the Domain Name Dispute-Ikea "Cybersquatting" Case Be Decided Under American Law?”,(台湾)新竹交通大学主办之《2000全国科技法律研讨会论文集》,2000年11月23日,第779-790页。
  5.(第一作者)“An Overview of China’s Modern Logistics Development and Some Strategic Actions” ,(第二作者张存禄), (台湾)成功大学、昆山科技大学、中国科学技术大学及海南大学四校共同主办之《第四届“两岸产业发展与经营管理学术研讨会”论文集(I)》, ,2005年5月2日, 第B3-1~3-9页。
  6.(第一作者),“Legal Risks and Solutions to E-Marketers’ Data Mining” (第二作者张存禄),重庆大学主办 “2005 International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management—Proceedings of ICSSM’05”, Volume 2, 2005年6月13~15日,第1085页~1089页(已获EI、ISTP检索)。
  7.“A Comment on Chinese Legal Environment of Online Copyright Protection”,西安交通大学主办“Seventh International Conference on Electronic Commerce—ICEC05: Toward Ubiquitous Business Proceedings”, 2005年8月15~16日,第874页~第879页(已获ISTP检索)。
  8.(第一作者) “Barriers and Legal Solutions to E-logistics in China”, (第二作者唐锦铨), “Proceedings of The KIECA International Conference 2005 on Trade, Investment, Logistics & E-Biz”, Korea Internet e-Commerce Association(KIECA),2005.10.1,第333页~第345页。
  9.(第一作者) “E-privacy Protection--Centering on Global Main Legal Instruments and Management Prospects”, (第二作者罗英), 山东大学与(台湾)成功大学主办“第九届两岸中华文化与经营管理学术研讨会(大陆分册)”,2006.7.8, 第300~308页。
  10.(第一作者) “Monitoring Employee’s E-mail : An E-privacy Concern”, (第二作者罗英), (中国)武汉理工大学;(日本)山口大学;(荷兰)UNU-MERI主办 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation & Management Vol.II,2006年12月1~3日,第1098页~第1011页(已获ISSHP检索)。
  11.(第一作者)“ Copyright Disputes and Resolutions to P2P File-swapping Application”(第二作者罗英), The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business - Innovation Management Track, May 26-27,2007, pp.2357-2363(已获ISTP检索).
  12.(第一作者) “E-Privacy Concern on CRM Service”(第二作者罗英), 厦门大学主办、美国学者出版社协办“Proceedings of Int’l Symposium on China Hospitality Management & Business Information 2007”,Aug.7-9,2007, pp.533~538.
  13. (第一作者) 《RFID :Privacy Risks and Solutions》(第二作者罗英), (中国)武汉理工大学;(日本)山口大学;(荷兰)UNU-MERI主办 “ Proceedings of the 4th Int’l Conference on Innovation & Management” Vol.II,2007年12月5~6日, pp.1849~1853(已获ISTP检索).
  14. (第一作者) “Security Problem and Solutions to M-Commerce”,发表于厦门大学管理学院主办“Proceedings of 2008 International Conference of Production and Operation Management”,2008.12.8-10(已获ISTP检索).
  15.(第一作者) “Legal Liability of Online Trade Platform Service Providers”,发表于“The Eighth Wuhan International Conference on e-Business”, May 30-31,2009(已获ISTP检索).
  16.(第一作者)“LEGAL RISKS AND SOLUTIONS TO VIDEO SHARING WEBSITES--FOCUSING ON COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT”, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Identification (MSI 2009), 2009-10-1(已获EI检索).
  17..(第一作者)“IPR Management Strategies for Enterprises in the E-Commerce Era”, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Identification (MSI 2009), 2009-10-1(已获EI检索).
  18.(第一作者)“’s Case Study-Pros and Cons of Website Ranking Service under Chinese Anti-monopoly Mechanism”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering,2009-10-1(已获EI检索).
  19. (第一作者)“'Safe Harbor 'Doctrine: a Panacea for Chinese Search Engine’s Copyright Infringement Liability Or Not”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010),2010-05-09(已获EI检索).
  20. (第一作者)“Google Library: Some Copyright Infringement Concerns in China”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010),2010-05-09(已获EI检索).
  21.(第一作者)“Chinese Internet Industry’s IP Financing: Opportunity and Possibility”, The Ninth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, May 1-2,2010.
  1.《从申请入关论中国大陆对外贸易法》,逢甲大学/ “行政院大陆委员会主办《八十四年度大陆经济情势学术研讨会论文集》,1994年11月18日,第241~272页。
  2.《从乌拉圭回合反倾销协议论欧盟反倾销规则》,(台湾)东海大学主办“世界贸易组织架构下贸易救济制度研讨会” ,1997年2月28日。
  3.《著作权法务管理问题之研究》 ,(台湾)东吴大学主办 “一九九七年企业管理国际研讨会” ,1997年6月7日。
  4.《论台湾高科技工业如何因应美国经济间谍法(EEA)?-技术移转Vs.窃取营业秘密》, (台湾)新竹交通大学主办之《1997全国智慧财产权研讨会论文集》,1997年11月27日,第279~292页。
  5.《台湾加入WTO对两岸经贸关系之冲击暨台商因应之道》,台湾“经济部”中小企业处中区中小企业研训中心/静宜大学企业管理学系主办之《中小企业在台湾加入WTO后因应策略研讨会论文集》, 1998年6月6日,第28~41页。
  6.《论网域名称之侵权争议暨解决之道-侵害商标专用权抑或为不公平竞争?》 , (台湾)新竹交通大学主办之《1998全国智慧财产权研讨会论文集》, 1998年11月19日, 第297~336页。
  7.《网络链接之智财权保护问题研究》,(台湾)新竹交通大学主办之 “1999全国智慧财产权研讨会” ,1999年11月25日。
  8.《两岸智财权保护环境之发展浅析》,(台湾)新竹交通大学主办之“1999全国智慧财产权研讨会” ,1999年11月25日。
  9.《MP3侵害著作权问题之研究》,(台湾)新竹交通大学主办之《2000全国科技法律研讨会论文集》, 2000年11月23日, 第21-40页。
  10.《网上大学远程教育授课著作权问题之研究》, 上海电视大学主办之“互联网法律问题研讨会”, 2000年11月26日。
  13.《论生物技术产业的知识产权保护问题》,厦门大学/厦门市科技局/厦门市科协/台湾东海大学共同举办“第二届海峡化学生物学与生技、医药发展讨论会论文集” ,2004年7月, 第108~120页。
  14.《优化“海峡西岸经济区”企业法律环境的思考》,福建省人大法制委员会/福建省人大常委会法制工作委员会/福建省台湾法制研究中心共同主办“海峡西岸经济区建设中的法律问题研讨会”, 2005年4月28日。
  15.(第一作者)《中国电子物流的法律环境评述》, (第二作者唐锦铨), 中国交通运输协会、中国技术经济研究会、中国物流学会、欧中学术文化交流促进会、福州大学以及福州市人民政府共同主办之“ 2005中国(福州)现代物流国际学术交流大会论文集”, 海潮摄影艺术出版社,2005年5月,第482~488页。
  16.《从促进科研成果转化角度探索厦门大学科技园强化功能的对策》,发表于台湾东海大学与厦门大学共同举办“第三届海峡化学生物及材料研讨会” ,2005年7月18日。
  17.(第一作者)“从AMD诉英特尔垄断案论中国反垄断的困境暨解决之道”, (第二作者尹腊梅), 福建省文化经济交流中心、厦门大学法学院、中国文化大学法学院等12个单位共同主办“‘2005海峡法学论坛--反垄断法理论与实务论文集(下册)”,2005年8月18~19日, 第874页~第879页。
  21.《试论网络金融安全问题与对策》, 厦门大学法学院承办“中国法学会经济法学研究会2007年年会暨第15届全国经济法理论研讨会”,2007.11.29,第234~238页。
  22.《网络经济下电子货币发展的问题与对策》,福建省文化经济交流中心、厦门大学法学院等单位主办“2008海峡法学论坛--物权法与社会发展论文集(补充)” 2008.8.18-19, pp.40-49。

  3.(台湾) 寬信聯合律師事務所高级顾问

Seminar papers (English)
1. "Technology Transfer and Patent Licensing - An Experience from American Companies' Royalty Collection Actions against Taiwanese Information Industry" (English) ( "patent licensing and technology transfer - from talking to the American experience of the gold action recourse Taiwan IT industry." ), Chicago, "US-China joint annual Conference document," June 24, 1995.
2 "The Impact of Intellectual Property Right Protection on the Development of Taiwanese Information Industry" (English) ( "On the protection of intellectual property rights on the Taiwan Institute for Information Industry Development"), Ottawa, Canada "1996 North American Chinese Symposium" June 29, 1996.
3. "The Challenge of Multimedia to Taiwanese Copyright Law - New Legal Dilemmas" (English) ( "Multimedia Challenge to Copyright Law of Taiwan - a new legal dilemma," New York "twenty first session of the eastern United States Chinese Academic Association annual Meeting ", September 15, 1996.
4. "How Would the Domain Name Dispute-Ikea" Cybersquatting "Case Be Decided Under American Law?", "2000 National Science and Technology Law Symposium," sponsored by the (Taiwan) Hsinchu Jiaotong University, November 23, 2000, the first 779- 790.
5. (First author) "An Overview of China's Modern Logistics Development and Some Strategic Actions", (second author Zhang Cun Lu), (Taiwan) Kung University, Kunshan University of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China and Hainan University, four schools, co-sponsored the "first four "cross-strait industrial development and management Symposium" Proceedings (I) ",, 2005 Nian 5 May 2, Article B3-1 ~ 3-9 pages.
6. (First author), "Legal Risks and Solutions to E-Marketers' Data Mining" (second author Zhang Cun Lu), Chongqing University hosted "2005 International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management-Proceedings of ICSSM'05", Volume 2, June 2005 13 to 15, pages 1085 - 1089 (by EI, ISTP retrieval).
7. "A Comment on Chinese Legal Environment of Online Copyright Protection", Xi'an Jiaotong University sponsored "Seventh International Conference on Electronic Commerce-ICEC05: Toward Ubiquitous Business Proceedings", 2005 August 15 - 16, 2009, p. 874 - p. 879 ( ISTP been retrieved).



8. (First author) "Barriers and Legal Solutions to E-logistics in China", (second author Tang Kam-chuen), "Proceedings of The KIECA International Conference 2005 on Trade, Investment, Logistics & E-Biz", Korea Internet e-Commerce Association (KIECA), 2005.10.1, page 333 - page 345.
9. (First author) "E-privacy Protection - Centering on Global Main Legal Instruments and Management Prospects", (second author Luo Ying), (Taiwan) University and Shandong University successfully hosted the "Ninth strait Chinese Culture and Management Symposium (mainland Volume) "2006.7.8, the first 300 to 308.
10. (First author) "Monitoring Employee's E-mail: An E-privacy Concern", (second author Luo Ying), (Chinese), Wuhan University of Technology; (Japan) Yamaguchi University; (Netherlands) UNU-MERI Proceedings of the organizers 3rd International Conference on Innovation & Management Vol.II, 2006, December 1 to 3, pages 1098 - 1011 page (ISSHP been retrieved).
11. (first author) "Copyright Disputes and Resolutions to P2P File-swapping Application" (second author Luo Ying), The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business - Innovation Management Track, May 26-27,2007, pp. 2357-2363 (ISTP been retrieved).
12. (first author) "E-Privacy Concern on CRM Service" (second author Luo Ying), sponsored by Xiamen University Press in association with the American scholar "Proceedings of Int'l Symposium on China Hospitality Management & Business Information 2007", Aug.7-9,2007, pp.533 ~ 538.
13. (first author) "RFID: Privacy Risks and Solutions" (second author Luo Ying), (Chinese), Wuhan University of Technology; (Japan) Yamaguchi University; (Netherlands) UNU-MERI sponsored "Proceedings of the 4th Int ' l Conference on Innovation & Management "Vol.II, 2007 December 5 to 6 days, pp.1849 ~ 1853 (has been indexed by ISTP).
14. (first author) "Security Problem and Solutions to M-Commerce", published in the Xiamen University School of Management hosted "Proceedings of 2008 International Conference of Production and Operation Management", 2008.12.8-10 (ISTP been retrieved).
15. (first author) "Legal Liability of Online Trade Platform Service Providers", published in "The Eighth Wuhan International Conference on e-Business", May 30-31,2009 (ISTP been retrieved).
16. (first author) "LEGAL RISKS AND SOLUTIONS TO VIDEO SHARING WEBSITES - FOCUSING ON COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT", Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Identification (MSI 2009), 2009-10-1 (been EI retrieval).
17 .. (the first author) "IPR Management Strategies for Enterprises in the E-Commerce Era", Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Identification (MSI 2009), 2009-10-1 (EI has been retrieved ).
18. (first author) "'s Case Study-Pros and Cons of Website Ranking Service under Chinese Anti-monopoly Mechanism", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering, 2009-10-1 (EI has been retrieved ).
19. (first author) " 'Safe Harbor' Doctrine: a Panacea for Chinese Search Engine's Copyright Infringement Liability Or Not", Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010), 2010-05-09 (by EI retrieval).
20. (first author) "Google Library: Some Copyright Infringement Concerns in China", Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010), 2010-05-09 (EI has been retrieved).
21. (first author) "Chinese Internet Industry's IP Financing: Opportunity and Possibility", The Ninth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, May 1-2,2010.



Seminar papers (Chinese)
1. "From the Chinese mainland to apply for entry on the Foreign Trade Law," Feng Chia University / "Mainland Affairs Council sponsored" Eighty Quadrennial continent's economic situation Symposium "November 18, 1994, 241 ~ 272.
2. "Uruguay Round Anti-Dumping Agreement on EU anti-dumping rules" (Taiwan) Tokai University hosted the "Seminar on trade remedy system under the WTO framework," February 28, 1997.
3. "Legal Research copyright management" (Taiwan) Soochow University hosted the "1997 International Symposium on corporate management," June 7, 1997.
4. "On the Taiwan high-tech industry how to respond to the US Economic Espionage Act (EEA)? - Technology Transfer Vs. steal trade secrets "(Taiwan) Xinzhu Jiaotong University hosted the" 1997 National Symposium on Intellectual Property Rights ", November 27, 1997, 279 - 292.

5." Taiwan's entry into the WTO on the impact of cross-strait economic and trade relations of Taiwanese cum response of the Road ", the Central Institute SME Centre of Taiwan's" Ministry "SME Department / Department of Business Administration at Providence University in Taiwan after joining WTO Symposium on coping strategies, "June 6, 1998, the first 28 to 41.



6. "On the infringement of the domain name dispute-cum-road solution -? Infringed trademark rights or, as the unfair competition", "1998 National Symposium on Intellectual Property Rights" (Taiwan), organized Hsinchu Jiaotong University, November 1998 19, 297 - 336.
7. "1999 National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights," the organizers' intellectual property rights protection research network of links "(Taiwan) Hsinchu Jiaotong University, November 25, 1999.
8. "development of cross-strait intellectual property rights protection of the environment", "1999 National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights," the organizers (Taiwan) Hsinchu Jiaotong University, November 25, 1999.
"Proceedings of the 2000 National Science and Technology Legal Seminar" and sponsored 9. "Research MP3 copyright infringement issues" (Taiwan) Hsinchu Jiaotong University, November 23, 2000, pp. 21-40.
10. "Internet Law Seminar '' Study of Distance Education online university teaching of copyright issues", sponsored by the Shanghai TV University, November 26, 2000.
11. "Legal Environment and Strategic Management biomedical industry capital operation", "Xiamen CAST 2003 Annual Conference Proceedings", October 18, 2003, the first 23 to 29.



12. "Information and Legal Issues Legal Logistics Management Strategy", Information Processing Society of Xiamen / Xiamen Logistics Association co-sponsored the "Second Cross-Strait Information Forum", May 21, 2004.
13. "On the issue of the protection of intellectual property rights in the biotechnology industry," Xiamen University / Xiamen City Technology / Xiamen Municipal Association / Tokai University in Taiwan jointly organized the "Second Strait of Chemical Biology and Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Development Symposium Proceedings "July 2004, 108 - 120.
14. "optimization" Economic Zone "Corporate Legal Environment of" Fujian Provincial People's Congress Law Committee / Standing Committee Legislative Affairs Commission of Fujian / Fujian Taiwan Legal Research Center co-sponsored the "Western Shore Economic Zone Construction Legal Problems seminar ", April 28, 2005.
15. (First author), "Review of Chinese legal environment of e-logistics" (second author Tang Kam-chuen), China Communications and Transportation Association, China Economic Research Technology, China Logistics Association, the European Association for the academic and cultural exchanges, as well as Fuzhou University, Fuzhou people's Government co-sponsored the "2005 China (Fuzhou) international academic exchange Conference Proceedings modern logistics," the tide photographic Art Publishing House, May 2005, 482 - 488.
16. "Strengthening of promoting scientific research into the perspective of Xiamen University Science Park to explore the function of countermeasures", published in Taiwan Tokai University and Xiamen University jointly organized the "Third Strait of chemical and biological materials and seminars," July 18, 2005.



17. (First author) 's monopoly case from AMD v. Intel antitrust plight of China and the Solved Road "(second author Yin bloom), Cultural and Economic Exchange Center, Fujian Province, Xiamen University School of Law, Chinese Culture University School of Law, etc. co-sponsored by 12 units' "Strait Law Forum 2005 - Proceedings Antitrust Law theory and practice (Volume II)", in August 2005 from 18 to 19, page 874 - page 879.
18. "Cross-strait three network copyright infringement case study - A P2P application-centric", sponsored by the China Law Society, "the Straits of Law Forum 2006 - strait economic and trade cooperation with the Rights Protection Proceedings (the book)," 2006.8.19, 45 ~ 62.
19. "E-commerce enterprise intellectual property management strategy," Xiamen University School of Management and School of Management (Taiwan) Kung University jointly organized the "Tenth management of cross-strait Chinese Culture Symposium and" (part of the continent), 2007.7 .7, 409 ~ 416.
20. "Main Problems in the Law Network Bank Development", sponsored by the China Law Society, "the Straits of Law Forum 2007 -" Modern Financial Law: Theory and Practice, "2007.8.19, 357 ~ 369.
21. "On the financial network security issues and countermeasures," Xiamen University School of Law hosted "China Law Economic Law Research Association 2007 Annual Meeting of the 15th National Seminar on Law" 2007.11.29, 234 to 238 page.
22. "Problems and Countermeasures in Network Economy development of electronic money" and economic and cultural exchange center in Fujian Province, Xiamen University Law School and other units, "the Straits of Law Forum 2008 - Proceedings of Social Property Law and Development (supplementary)" 2008.8.18- 19, pp.40-49.

► Major social work
1. Committee of Experts on Electronic Commerce Association expert Fujian
2. China Electronic Commerce Association Legal Policy Committee of Experts
3. Senior Advisor (Taiwan) wide joint letter law firm