Xiamen university intellectual property research institute in 2016 college students summer camp to recommend an exemption graduate student admits list (the public)
Source:Institute of intellectual property | Author:Institute of intellectual property office | Published time: 2016-08-01 | 1504 Views | Share:

Will now at xiamen university intellectual property research institute in 2016 college students summer camp recommend avoid try graduate announced plans to list as follows:

Public time on August 1, 2016 - August 10, 2016.

If the above listed information, please to contact during the public reflection.

Contact: miss Lin. Contact phone: 0592-2182729. E-mail: linshaoting@xmu.edu.cn.

Publication date: August 1, 2016.

Eventually education in fujian province and its credentialed candidates list approved by ministry of education shall prevail.

Attachment: xiamen university intellectual property research institute in 2016 college students summer camp recommend avoid try graduate to summary list (the public)