China (Fujian) Pilot FTA Xiamen Area Chief of IP Office Sun Hongyu and His Parties Come to Our Institute for Research
Source: | Author:Institute of intellectual property | Published time: 2016-06-21 | 663 Views | Share:

In the Morning of Jun. 17th, China (Fujian) Free Trade Area of the Test Area of Xiamen Intellectual Property Office, Chief of the Office,Sun Hongyu, Deputy Chief, Xu Kai, Director Zhu Xuyun, International Import and Export Co., Ltd. Xiamen, Chairman Guo Xingli came to Xiamen University Intellectual Property Research Institute, to carry out research concerning the FTA intellectual property development, Professor Dean of Lin Xiuqin, Assistant Professor Luo Liguo, Dr. Chen Xueyu received them.

Dean Lin firstly expressed warm welcome to the arrival of the Chief of the Office and his parties, and gave a brief introduction of our Institute and the recent developments of the State Intellectual Property Training (Fujian) base. Dean Lin thanked the support and trust of the Xiamen Area Intellectual Property Office, and our institute will redouble our efforts and actively cooperate with Xiamen Area Intellectual Property Office to carry out relevant researches, and aiming to contribute more to the construction of FTA.

Chief of the Office Sun expressed his appreciation to the work of our institute and thanked Professor Lin, Assistant Professor Luo and others for their efforts for the FTA. Sun said that the recent construction of the Xiamen FTA has been appreciated by the State Council and the Ministry of Commerce, but the innovation comes from FTA is not enough, which needs to be continued to pioneering and innovative spirit to look for FTA future development opportunity to promote its development.

Finally, the Chief of the Office said that Xiamen Area Intellectual Property Office attaches great importance to cooperation with our institute, hope for the future to combine the demands of corporate intellectual property, select the appropriate fields, and promote intellectual property offices, industry and the hospital jointly carry out the corresponding research activities, continue to benefit people's life, to seek FTA development effectiveness.