The IP Operation and Universities Technology Transfer Forum Successfully Held in Our Institute
Source: | Author:proe70355 | Published time: 2016-09-01 | 1587 Views | Share:

Jun 16, 2016, the IP Operation and Universities Technology Transfer forum was held in our institute. Guests attending the event: Chairman of Taiwan Yung Shin Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd. Fang Quan, Consultants of Taiwan's best Health Technology Ltd. Shu Heng, Chairman of the Taiwan-kai Health Technology Consultants Ltd. General Manager Zheng Renyi Taiwan enterprises executives, our Dean Lin Xiuqin, Executive Director of Intellectual Property Research Center  of Biotechnology Medicine Cai Kunwang, and other institute staff. Cai kunwang served as host of the meeting.


At the meeting, Dean Lin Xiuqin introduced Strait biomedical innovation and Intellectual Property Alliance operations, pointed out that Taiwan has a strong corporate culture and the mainland has broad market and government support, there are spaces for cross-strait cooperation. Promoting the establishment of alliances can promote the exchange of more projects and the development of the biotechnology industry.


Chairman Heng Shu briefly introduced the d company, and noted that in recent mainland, "a one-time evaluation of generic drugs in the field" in the background, in the hope that by the end of the continent to construct a "metric" of bioequivalence platform the future may further cover to various countries. Next, there should be more opportunities to communicate, by combining the advantages of both sides, we can exert Taiwan's energy of generic drugs.


Chairman Li Fangquan compared the environments when his company first entered the mainland to set up factories in the 1990s and now, and pointed out that the procedural norms and regulations are good, and the environment is favorable. He stressed that the production of generic drugs aimed at creating safe, effective and economical drugs for the people. He hoped in the future through a combination of biotechnology drugs and intellectual property rights, can promote the development of the field of medicine.


Then Dr. Chen Xueyu of our institute introduced the main business of Southern Medicine Economic Research Institute, and analyzed the current situation in mainland generic one-time evaluation and expressed good wishes for alliance and cooperation.

In the final part of the free exchange, the participants focused on the technology transfer issues in the "generic one-time evaluation" environmental and how to effectively promote cross-strait alliance in the transfer of prescription pharmaceutical cooperation issues; and Union legal position, the choice of enterprise supply and demand, the Union's mode of operation and the way of financing and planning were discussed. The two sides finally reached a consensus, and developed a preliminary implementation plan.


The Meeting concluded in a harmonious atmosphere.