【讲座通知】WTO TRIPS Agreement and Its Impact on the Development of National IP Policies
来源: | 作者:proe70355 | 发布时间: 2015-12-18 | 2552 次浏览 | 分享到:

主讲人:吴晓萍   世界贸易组织知识产权司参赞(WTO)









讲座主题:WTO TRIPS Agreement and Its Impact on the Development of  National IP Policies



The speaker will present an overview of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and  WTO Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement).  She will also introduce the function and operation of the WTO Council for the TRIPS Agreement since 1995. 

The presentation will focus on negotiations and discussions on important IP policy issues in the WTO TRIPS Council, including IP and public health, IP and protection of biotechnology, IP enforcement, the TRIPS related dispute settlement, and other IP related issues, and then examine their impact on the development of national IP policies.  It will also have a brief introduction of other important IP policy issues which are under hot debate in the international IP community.


Mrs. Xiaoping Wu (Chinese) is currently Counsellor in the Intellectual Property Division of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland. She undertakes work in the area of the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) with focus on patent-related issues. Since 2002, she contributes to core operations of the WTO TRIPS Council's work in regard to review of WTO Members' TRIPS implementing legislation, patent and biotechnology, transfer of technology, and other IP policy issues. In particular, she provides technical and diplomatic support for WTO Members' negotiations and discussions on the issues related to implementation of the TRIPS Agreement.  Meanwhile she also undertakes numerous WTO capacity building and outreach activities at the international, regional, national level on intellectual property.

Mrs. Wu joined the WTO Secretariat as a Legal Affairs Officer in 2002. Prior to joining the WTO Secretariat, she had served for six years as a law clerk and an assistant judge in the Shanghai Intermediate Court. She also worked as an attorney-at-law in a law firm in Shanghai, China. 

Mrs. Wu obtained a LL.B. from the East China Institute of Politics and Law (Shanghai, China), a Master degree in civil law from Peking University (Beijing, China), and a LL.M. degree in intellectual property law from George Washington University Law School (Washington, DC, USA).